This weeks Sunday Scribblings is entitled "Confession"
For me confession has different levels of meaning, in both a secular and spiritual sense. There is the need to be open and honest with people, admission of past mistakes, when embarking upon a relationship, there is always the dilemma of do I tell or not? As a christian I find that all those things which are upon my heart are not always able to be verbalised can be put upon God and then there is comfort to be found.
I wrote this poem back in university, when I was going through a difficult time with my then boyfriend, he blamed me for not understanding how he felt, or what he needed. In a way I guess it was my confession
A Million Miles
I did not know how you felt,
I did not know of your pain,
How could I understand
When you were a million miles away?
I did not come when you called,
I did not respond when you cried,
How could I know
When you were a million miles away?
I did not understand your grief,
I did not sense your longing,
How could I see
When you were a million miles away?
I did not know then how you felt,
I still do not know now,
How can I see,
When you are a million miles away?
The second poem here is one that I wrote only a few months ago and I suppose it is a confession, about a person I once knew, and how I still feel about them now.
Once Again
Once again, I find myself thinking of you, dreaming of you,
Wondering what my life could have been if you were still here with me.
Once again, I find myself wanting you, needing you,
Trying to comprehend why you have gone.
Once again, I find myself feeling you, seeing you,
Searching for the truth behind the lie.
Once again, I find myself sitting here, laying here,
Hearing your voice upon the breeze.
Once again, I find myself standing here, waiting here,
Glimpsing you upon a distant shore.
Once again, I find myself crying here, screaming here,
Seeing you turn around and leave.
Once again, I see myself, watching you, following you,
Trying to put everything right.
Once again, I see myself in front of you, behind you,
Needing to become closer.
Once again, I see myself, near you, with you,
Part of your life, Once again.
Not lion about these intriguing blog prompts!
5 months ago