This week Sunday Scribblings posted the title "Vision". I decided to share another of my poems this was written just after my beloved grandmother died in 2000. I strongly believe that the night before this poem was written she came to me as an angel and promised to be with me always. From time to time I sense her still, so here is my vision to share with you...
My Angel ...
Last night I dreamt I saw an angel,
So perfect, serene and peaceful,
Her face shone, so pure and radient,
Her smile was a joy to behold, so beautiful.
Her wings made from purest gold,
Gleamed with the sight of the Son,
Her dress made from silky, satin white,
Sparkled with the light of the moon.
Her halo, simple, jewel encrusted,
Streamed with a thousand smiles,
Her not as white as it used to be,
Sparkled like the stars.
She stood beside my shoulder,
Watching over me,
She told me that she loved me,
And that she would never leave.
She's here with me always,
In everything I do,
She's quite simply,
My Guardian Angel.
Not lion about these intriguing blog prompts!
5 months ago