Looking back through Sunday Scribblings older posts for some inspiration for writing, I came accross a prompt entitled "Goodbyes". I have written several poems about Goodbyes and thought that I'd post a couple here.
Parting Speech was one of the first poems I wrote. I was 15 when I penned this as part of my English homework. We were studying the first world war and were tasked with writting about saying goodbye to soldiers leaving for the front line.
Parting Speech
As I saw you walking down the quiet and desolate platform,
My heart went out to you,
I found no words that could express the feelings and emotions,
That ran through my mind.
I could only imagine what might happen in the future,
I could only think of saying goodbye,
I just cannot imagine life without you by my side,
But I suppose I will have to try.
I will have to get used to you not being here to comfort me,
I know that you would not wish for me to be sad,
But that you would only wish for my eternal happiness.
I kept asking myself questions, "Why must you go?"
"Why must you leave me?"
I kept thinking that I was to blame, that I had sent you away,
But I knew within myself that it was because you had to fight.
You had to fight for your country, you had to fight for what was right,
When you took me in your arms and kissed me for the last time,
It was as if time stood still, went back to when we first met.
Just knowing that our sweet and tender moment could not last,
Made tears course down my cheeks.
I did not want to let you go,
I only wanted to stay wrapped in your embrace forever.
As I watched the train pull slowly and silently away,
My heart was torn in two, a whole chapter of my life was gone,
Never to be renewed.
I will always remember the look on your face as the train left,
One of sadness, emptiness and love.
I will carry the memory of you in my heart always,
And the locket you gave me I will wear with pride.
I will think of you everyday
And please remember you are mine and I am yours
For all eternity.
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